Friday, September 24, 2010

Thunder raise his flag charges, cool 6 has the intention

"Under the sun really is no free lunch." Recently, the Thunder set a precedent to its "Ruby theater" to launch subscription to download genuine hit large areas of high-definition service, at the same time, Cool 6 network also said it will implement the user fee model.

In Huizhou, many like to watch movies online female otaku home through online movie entertainment of white-collar work and the big screen in the domestic television households watching online movies, watch film charges so that they reacted strongly, many people said they did not accept online movie approach.

Most women do not accept the house Otaku charging mode

Many network movie lovers that although the "Thunderbolt Ruby Theater" charges, and other video can be downloaded for free viewing, but "Thunder opened a bad head," the film is no longer if the network is free, might as well go to the cinema to see movies, or go to Guangzhou, scouring dishes.

"I ask which website to see a movie for free?" In the local site, there are countless posts on such assistance. Users have long been used to enjoy a free lunch, and now suddenly there is a Web site, the movies will be charged for the natural heart is difficult to accept. "Now we must pay every turn, businesses do not want anything as long as the money", sometimes people will watch the movie Miss Zhao respect her resentment. "After the money you watch movies online?" At the end, BT storm closed the occasion of the posting in the local forums to discuss this topic. Irate users wolf said: I come down, and I went to Computer City to buy CDs of it, if they sell genuine, let him sell it.

In an interview, most users would not accept the charges to the movies, or choose free to see a movie. "Thunderbolt Ruby Theater achieve charge download, and Thunder look is still free to watch," "Ruby Studios fees, and other free, if no longer free, I went to Amoy dish look." Eat every day at noon in the office side edge in the online movie, is that the happiest Chen noon time. 鈥滃鏋滅綉涓婃病鍏嶈垂鐢靛奖鐪嬶紝閭e氨鍘诲箍宸炴窐纰燂紝5鍏冧竴寮犵殑褰辩锛屽鏋滀細鎸戞晥鏋滀篃涓嶉敊鈥濄?


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