Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Teach you in a foreign country for international domain name registration

First, the prerequisite conditions

Must first apply to a credit card, to pay U.S. dollars, China Merchants Bank credit card is recommended to support the dollar in international payments, the bank's credit card to support the repayment of RMB USD (Miss customer service call you can set the CMB). Then use this credit card apply for an international PayPal account.

Second, the choice of domain name registration business

For domain name registration in foreign countries, do not look for lower-level agents register domain names directly to ICANN's top proxy registration, the proposed registration of COM domain names, nothing other CN domain name registration. Encountered a dollar domain name registration (such as INFO domain name is regularly conducted this) Do not buy this cheap domain name will be a lot of bad faith registration and lawless malicious use, other domain name and hosting space Do not buy one.

Personally, I use a GoDaddy registered domain name, register domain names using the discount code (search for GoDaddy coupon or GoDaddy promo), rates are generally 7 U.S. dollars a year. The DNS is more stable, I used a few years yet no analytical error of the phenomenon.

Of course, GoDaddy also some shortcomings, is the domain of IP forwarding long been closed, the domestic can not use the domain name forwarding services, IP virtual hosts are often closed. Godaddy also proposed to use PayPal to pay, do not use credit card, I had used the credit card payment, but said some time ago to investigate my Godaddy domain name registration information is a real, direct from my credit card 10 dollars "investigation fees ", this is really too much. Therefore we should use the PayPal payment, and do not bind GoDaddy's automatic payment.

In addition to GoDaddy addition, NameCheap also buy a good domain name provider.

Third, domain name registration time

According to some SEO's say, a domain name registration fee renewals will be a long time to help SEO. Therefore, you certainly will not give up those good domain name, one-time registration of five or ten years is a good choice.

4, domain function

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